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Board Assessment


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 Home > Investor Relations> Corporate GovernanceBoard Assessment
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Board Assessment

To implement corporate governance and enhance the function of the board of directors, the board of directors of the company passed the "Board of Directors Performance Evaluation" on August 10th, 2020, specifying that the internal performance evaluation of the board of directors should be carried out every year. The evaluation scope includes the overall board of directors, individual directors and functional Committee. The company has implemented relevant performance evaluations in 2023, and reported to the board of directors on November 2th. To learn more about the Nanya PCB 2023 annual performance evaluation results.

The Subjects of the Assessment

1. The board.    

2. Board members.

3. The audit committee

4. The compensation committee.

5. Sustainable Development Committee.

The Method

The assessment is conducted in the form of self assessment survey. The result of the assessment will be reported to the board as a reference for further improvements. 

The Period and frequency of the Assessment

The assessment is conducted once per year. The assessment period is from October 1st  this year to September 30th next year.

The Performance Indicators of the Assessment

The performance indicators of the board include:

1. The level of the participation in the corporate operations.

2. The quality of the resolution of the board.

3. The composition and structure of the board.

4. The election of the members and their continuous advanced study.

5. Internal control.

The performance indicators of the board member include:

1. The knowledge of the target and task of the company.

2. The perception of the responsibility of a board member.

3. The level of the participation in the corporate operations.

4. Internal relationship building and communicating.

5. Specialty and advanced study of a board member.

6. Internal control.

The performance indicators of the audit committee include:

1. The perception of the responsibility of a board member.

2. The perception of the responsibility of an audit committee member.

3. The quality of the resolution of the audit committee.

4. The composition and election of the audit committee.

5. Internal control.

The performance indicators of the compensation committee include:

1. The level of the participation in the corporate operations.

2. The perception of the responsibility of a compensation committee member.

3. The quality of the resolution of the compensation committee.

4. The composition and election of the compensation committee.

5. Internal control.

The measurement of the company's sustainable development committee include:

1. The degree of participation in the company's operations.

2. Responsibilities of the Sustainable Development Committee.

3. Improve the decision-making quality of the Sustainable Development Committee.

4. Composition and selection of members of the Sustainable Development Committee.

5. Internal control.


WEB Updated Date: 2024/3/28