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 Home > Sustainable Development > Nan Ya PCB's Commitment of Sustainable Development
Nan Ya PCB's Commitment of Sustainable Development 
Environmental Protection 
Procurement Policy
Social Welfare
Labor & Ethic
ESG Organization
Awards and Certification
ESG Report


Nan Ya PCB's Commitment of Sustainable Development  

The sustainable responsibility policy of Nan Ya PCB includes the areas of corporate governance, environmental protection, and social welfare. The results we have achieved in the service of our stockholders, clients, suppliers, employees, country, environment, and society serve as the foundation of our long term commitment.

Nan Ya Printed Circuit Board Corporation (Nan Ya PCB) is a member of the Formosa Plastics Group. Aside from cooperating with the CSR policies of the group, in order to establish adequate corporate governance, establish the scope of CSR, and review the performance, the board passed the code of social responsibility on August 10th, 2015. With the spirit of giving back to the society, our CSR targets include corporate governance, environmental protection, procurement policy, labor and ethic, and social welfare.

Our President Office and Environment Health Safety Department actively implemented our CSR policies and co-worked with FPG's CSR Project Promotion Center to fully execute the policies from corporate governance, environment sustainability, and social welfare. We also exhibited our performance and fulfilled the promises to our stakeholders, including shareholders, clients, suppliers, employees, government, communities, and citizens. The detailed projects and results are listed as below.

Corporate Governance
Follow all laws and cooperate ethic guidelines, establish a complete corporate system to maintain positive corporate governance, implement the company's goals of sustainable management.
Formulate various ethical codes of conduct, establish good corporate governance and risk control mechanisms, and assess the risks of dishonest behavior.
Formulate relevant preventive measures accordingly, supplemented by the implementation of audit operations, and implement policies to promote honest management.
Innovate and develop high-value products, maintain stable supply and demand relationships with customers and suppliers, and collaborate with customers on joint research and development to enhance competitiveness and optimize shareholder rights.

Environmental Protection
Continue to improve our manufacturing process and office environment to reach goals of saving energy and cutting carbon emissions.
Gradually adopt lead-free process, also target our manufacturing products to comply with EU’s RoHS regulation.
Financial impacts and risk of climate change on organizations:
Climate change is likely to cause extreme weather, including rising average atmospheric temperatures and prolonged droughts, which could result in risks of power supply and water shortages. Therefore, the company continues to promote energy and water conservation improvements to reduce the consumption of resources and energy, and promote environmental friendliness in the production process, which can enhance industrial competitiveness and achieve multiple benefits at the same time.

Procurement Policy
Purchase green materials and decrease our need of recourse use in order to increase our rate of recycling and reusing of recourses.
Take continuous actions to prevent conflicts metals from entering the supply chain.

Labor and Ethic
Offer a healthy and safe working environment for staffs and to have well-designed training programs, inculcating employees positive objectives to develop their individual talent and potential.
Comply with the law and business ethics, establish and improve enterprise system in order to maintain a sound corporate governance system.
Follow the spirit of sustainable management to create maximum social welfare and benefit.
Social Welfare  
Pay attention to various problems of society, and participate accordingly in community and social welfare activities.
Use our corporate spirit of striving for perfection to create efficiency and success in our social welfare endeavors.
Sustainable Development Implementation
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Sustainable Development Implementation

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(NYPCB, Jan 19, 2023)
WEB Updated Date: 2024/7/1
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